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Many national and international initiatives have trusted in us with their funding to support our work. We have been part of more than 30 different projects, of which 4 are currently active.
Mechanisms of Coronavirus Pathogenesis in long term Covid (LTC) and Protection Strategies in Young and Older Adults.
- Source: Department of Science and (MICINN)
- Project: PID2022-140328OB-I00
- Funds: 281.250 €
Summary of the project
In this project, we will optimize the safety and efficacy of SARS-CoV-2 RNA replicons. These replicons will be engineered to deliver immunomodulatory miRNAs that enhance efficacy in older adults, which are the most susceptible population to severe COVID and death, because immunosenescence diminishes immune responses. LTC includes a variety of respiratory, neurological, thrombotic and cerebrovascular manifestations, that follow SARS-CoV-2 infection in 4- 20% of people, independently of age or disease severity. Two main hypotheses will be addressed. The presence of defective RNA genomes that reduce viral dissemination, inducing proinflammatory reactions in specific tissues will be studied in human samples and in a mouse model for LTC.
Different mechanisms, previously shown by our group to modulate inflammation in acute infection, like virus accessory genes and post-transcriptional regulation of gene expression mediated by small non-coding RNAs or RNA-protein complexes, will be analyzed.
Modelos Animales Para el Estudio de la Covid-19. Desarrollo Pre-Clínico de Estrategias Preventivas y Terapéutica
- Source: Comunidad de Madrid
- Project: Y2020/BIO- 6576, COVID-PREclinical- MODels-CM
- Funds: 390.000 €
Improved Vaccination Strategies for Older Adults_ISOLDA
- Source: UE
- Project: Ref. 848166
- Funds: 775.000 €.
Mecanismos de patogenesis en coronavirus y estrategias de proteccion en adultos jovenes y mayores
- Source: AEI_MICINN
- Project: Ref. PID2019-107001RB-I00
- Funds: 290.400 €
Desarrollo de un modelo 3D de infección por SARS-CoV-2 de organoides primarios pulmonares humanos como plataforma de ensayo para nuevas terapias anti-COVID19
- Source: Banco Santander, Convocatoria Crue-CSIC-SANTANDER FONDO SUPERA COVID-19. 2020-2021.
- Project: DEMOCOV
- Funds: 4.410 €
Desarrollo de una vacuna contra SARS-CoV-2 mediante micro/nanoesferas de muNS-MI
- Source: Banco Santander, Convocatoria Crue-CSIC-SANTANDER FONDO SUPERA COVID-19. 2020-2021. Convenio Ley 40/2015 entre CSIC, M.P. (CNB) Y LA Univ. Santiago Compostela -USC- para la realización conjunta del proyecto de I+D+I.
- Funds: 120.000 €
Mechanisms of pathogenesis and development of protection strategies against the novel coronavirus SARS-CoV-2 emerged in Wuhan in 2019
- Source: Proyectos Intramurales Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación_MICINN
- Project: Ref. 202020E079
- Founds: Laboratory CoV 525.000 €
Monoclonal Antibodies against 2019-New Coronavirus (MANCO)
- Source: UE
- Project: Ref. 10100362751
- Funds: 233.500 €
Mechanisms of pathogenesis of the novel coronavirus emerged in Wuhan in 2019 and development of vaccine candidates
- Source: CSIC, Proyectos Intramurales CSIC (2009)
- Project: Ref. 202020E043
- Funds: 227.500 €
SARS-CoV-host cell interactions and vaccine development
- Source: U.S. National Institute of Health (NIH)
- Project: Ref. 2P01AI060699
- Funds: 2.000.000 $.
Bases moleculares de la virulencia de coronavirus respiratorios humanos y diseño de vacunas y estrategias antivirales para proteger a pacientes jóvenes y mayores
- Source: MINECO
- Project: Ref. BIO2016-75549-R
- Funds: 290.000 €
Zoonoses anticipation and preparedness initiative (ZAPI)
- Source: UE
- Project: IMI JU Ref. Nº 115760
- Funds: 400.000 €.
Proteccion frente a coronavirus respiratorios humanos modulando la respuesta inmune innata en pacientes jovenes y mayores, diseño de vacunas
- Source: MINECO
- Project: Ref. BIO2013-42869R
- Funds: 396.880 €
Development of a vaccine against Porcine Epidemic Diarrhea (PED)
- Source: Ceva Santé Animale S.A.
- Project: Ref.: 050402140264
- Funds: 573.000 €
NIAID centers of Excellence for Influenza Research and Surveillance, MERS-CoV pathogenic factors and attenuation
- Source: U.S. National Institute of Health (NIH)
- Project: Ref. HHSN266200700010C
- Funds: 135.000 $.
SARS-CoV-host cell interactions and vaccine development
- Source: U.S. National Institute of Health (NIH)
- Project: Ref. 2P01AI060699
- Funds: 1.157.793 $.
Mechanisms inducing protection against coronaviruses and arteriviruses
- Source: FORT DODGE, S.A.
- Funds: 100.000 $
Replicacion, interaccion virus-huesped y proteccion frente a los coronavirus
- Source: MICINN
- Project: Ref. BIO2010-16705
- Funds: 399.999 €.
Obtencion de vacunas frente a peste porcina clasica utilizando vectores derivados de coronavirus
- Source: MICINN
- IP: Isabel Sola and Luis Enjuanes
- Project: PET2008_0310
- Funds: 102.850 €
A novel strategy for developing a SARS-CoV Vaccine
- Source: U.S. National Institute of Health (NIH)
- Project: Ref. W000151854, 1 R56 AI079424-01A1
- Funds: 25.000 $.
New tools and approaches to control porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome (PRRS) in the EU and Asia. PoRRSCon
- Source: UE
- Project: Ref. Nº 245141
- Funds: 259.700 €.
Detection and control of porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome virus and emerging viral diseases of swine
- Source: NCRA
- Project: Ref. NC229 (NI_temp229)
Plant Production of Vaccines. PLAPROVA
- Source: UE
- Project: Ref. Nº 227056
- Funds: 292.187 €.
European management platform for emerging and re-emerging infectious diseases entities”. EMPERIE
- Source: European Union (UE)
- Project: Ref. Nº 223498
- Funds: 431.500 €.